Contributing to pydeck

We encourage users to report bugs, fix them, and add features as desired. We support our contributors in the #pydeck channel in the Slack workspace. If you run into issues while using this guide, let us know.

For governance policy and code of conduct, please see the contribution guidelines.

Where to contribute

At its core, pydeck is three modules:

  •, a Javascript library that helps bind to a Jupyter environment

  •, a Javascript library that converts JSON configurations to visualizations

  • pydeck, the Python wrapper around

To contribute to either of the first two, you can follow the contribution guidelines.

Development installation of pydeck

Please develop using Python 3.5 or above. You will also need yarn, which will build for use with your development installion of pydeck.

The following commands set up a virtual environment, build the entirety of, install most development and testing dependencies, and then activate enable pydeck to run on JupyterLab and Jupyter Notebook locally:

git clone
make setup-env
. env/bin/activate
make init
make prepare-jupyter

Verify that this new local copy of pydeck works by running make test.

Local development in Jupyter

To test local changes to Pydeck in a Jupyter notebook, set up a virtual environment as described above, then start a local Jupyter notebook:

jupyter notebook


Additional steps (TODO) required to include local changes to in a local Pydeck build.

Local development in Google Colab

To test local changes to Pydeck in a Google Colab notebook, first start a Jupyter runtime with additional flags to trust WebSocket connections from the Colab frontend:

jupyter notebook \
    --NotebookApp.allow_origin='' \
    --port=8888 \

After the notebook starts, copy the full (localhost) URL printed to the console. In a Google Colab notebook, select Connect to a local runtime from the additional connection options dropdown, and provide the local URL when prompted. After a reload, the Colab notebook will have access to the local Jupyter runtime and its local Pydeck build.

For more information, refer to Google Colab’s documentation for local runtimes.

Submitting a PR will run a suite of local tests both on commit and on push. On push, will run browser tests, which will take a bit longer than the commit hook tests. Ideally, these tests will pass locally before you push your branch to GitHub. Once pushed, tests will also run on Travis CI. Generally the team will review your PR within 2-3 days.

Before submitting a PR, you should run make test to verify that your Python tests pass locally. It may be helpful to run pip install -e . to rebuild pydeck locally. If you need to rebuild or, you can run yarn bootstrap or the webpack commands within their individual directories.

Building the documentation

To build the documentation locally, run the following:

make clean && make html

You can find the homepage at pydeck/docs/_build/index.html. Running python3 -m http.server from pydeck/docs/_build will serve the documentation locally.